
Pronounced L’Dor V’Dor, is a Hebrew phrase. Translating to “from generation to generation,” it is used in prayer as well as conversation, and refers to a holy continuity.
The continuity isn’t inevitable. Someone must take leadership and everyone must assume responsibility. Clients tell us they search for meaning and comfort, especially during sensitive life transitions and in facing the inevitable. And especially as to what they want to learn from past generations and to pass on to the next.

We believe that too often trustees do not step up to their full stewardship responsibility for the support of their client families. In contrast, our team’s goal is to cultivate, enhance, empower — and wherever possible, transform — the family to fully live in joy and realize all their chief aims, within the context of the vision of the trust documents. In this way, the family trust becomes not a curse, but a blessing.

Our Mission is to provide premier trust services by delivering an experience which combines the highest levels of expertise, collaboration and empowerment. We succeed by employing excellent people within a powerful system of systems.
We’re ready to work with families who value this approach.
We’re grateful to be in service.

My vision and mission necessarily reflect me and my values. How do you express YOUR vision and values?

Photo by Dino Reichmuth on Unsplash

© 2010 – 2023 Daniel P. Felix, all rights reserved.