Your On-Demand Trustee

Why do you need an impartial, experienced trustee like Dan Felix when your family is suffering a trust crisis!

Dan Felix offers an unexceeded level of trust and expertise to calm estates in rough waters. And he does it virtually on demand. Designated as a “Master Trustee” by the Independent Trustee Alliance, Dan has provided expedited assistance countless times over 30 years in practice. Discover more how Dan can help right now.

  • Bitter and heart-breaking disputes over money can lead to unfortunate and costly litigation, challenging peace in the family. With his easy and calming manner, Dan defuses contentious situations so families cease “lawyering up” and court is often avoided.
  • A trust will fail without proper handling of legal, financial and a myriad of other technical details. Even though Dan has 30 years of experience and has been designated as a “Master Trustee,” he is a constant learner and stays up on the latest in trust law.
  • Dan pursues excellent trust administration: to uphold the grantor’s vision while simultaneously enhancing the beneficiaries’ lives. Dan’s success over the years is in large part due to a strict adherence to this principle.
  • Understanding the needs of all estate beneficiaries and meeting them where they are at fosters successful estate administration. Dan builds alignment with each beneficiary and among all beneficiaries to accomplish each trust’s purpose.
  • Some trustees become counter-productive from a hyper-focus on their own liability. Dan’s prudent risk-taking is another key to his exceptional success.

    Why Work With Dan?

    Appropriate Balance

    All too often professional trustees put their own risk aversion ahead of what your family needs. In contrast, we manifest the fiduciary philosophy of putting you and your family first.

    No Conflict Of Interest

    The real business of some trustees is to settle family scores, for others it’s their core offering of investments. For Dan it’s how does the trust make life better for you and your family.

    Value-Based Fees

    Some trustees charge based on how much money your have. Dan looks at how much of him you need, and brings in staff or even an outside contractor to provide the service more efficiently.

    Have You Covered

    We already have Dan’s succession plan covered at our end with a team of professionals prepared to step in. We also work with you to confirm the custom transition plan for your specific situation.

    Professional Compassion

    We work best in an atmosphere of trust – and our client families prefer that. We employ active systems to create and sustain mutual respect. While others may rely on power-based relationships, we come from a place of compassion and collaboration.

    Retains Your Team

    Trustees have the right to assemble their own team, and so fire the pro’s who may have been with you for years. We work to maintain the valuable wisdom and long-term relationships of your team.
    The Professional Trustee Call Now
    Dan is the ideal substitute trustee if the family or estate is in crisis as a result of the incumbent trustee's actions, inactions, or mistakes, or if you just need someone to step in right away.

    Send Dan a message or call him to schedule an appointment now.

    (847) 444-0251


    What Clients Are Saying

    Dan has worked as a trustee for my family for over fourteen years. He has negotiated a real estate sale for multiple trusts to multiple buyers. He has negotiated an employment agreement for me. He holds a mortgage in trust for a family member. He does multiple trust quarterly tax filings as well as record keeping for multiple trust tax returns. He handles a total of 8 trusts and one six partner family partnership. He coordinates Life insurance policies for us as well. He is honest and has always been helpful as a confidant. I have referred Dan to a number of close friends and will continue to do so.

    Michael Barr

    President & CEO

    Daniel is knowledgeable about trust matters, and understands the roles and responsibilities of the trustee. He strikes a good rapport with trust beneficiaries, as well as with their other professional advisers.

    Robert W. Kaufman


    Dan Felix has an uncanny ability to understand the inner workings of family. His biggest passion is to find the most optimum plan to transition a family from one generation to the next keeping the joy and values intact.

    Kathy Brown

    Business Relations Manager

    Dan has a knack for guiding people in the right direction and making them feel as if it were their idea all along. His collaborative and collegial style is refreshing and very necessary for the type of work that he does. I had a pleasure working with Dan on a trust matter recently and highly recommend him.

    Jennifer Guimond-Quigley


    I worked with Dan to resolve a sticky situation involving a single pot trust for the benefit of two children who lost their father and who have different mothers. Dan handled the situation with intelligence, grace, clarity. Because of his efforts and approach, we were able to reach an accord with all interested persons, helped to preserve family relations, and limit the expense of future administration. Dan is a top shelf trustee and advisor.

     John Fitzpatrick

     Trust And Estate Litigation Attorney
    ​707 Osterman #83
    Deerfield, IL 60015

    “To us, your trust is everything”

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